I have been looking for ages for some good retro/vintage skirted swimsuits with no luck. So I was happy to find one spotty one that was close on Oli on line, of all places!
You would think what with so called Retro/Vintage making a comeback and the flattering shape for all sizes that would smooth over hips and flirt high thigh. Someone would be doing more of them? After a disappointing new swimwear range from Agent Provocateur , A trawl through charity shops, TK max, Vintage couture shops in London and online, I haven’t turned up a good one yet.

A few every now and then appear on EBay,(just got out bid on one mores the shame) but not seen hide nor hair of one in my favourite signature colour green as yet.
If they where good enough for Rita Hayworth(pictured) that’s good enough for me.
There might be only one thing for it and get one custom made!